Australia here I come!

Australia States Map

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Sunday,27th September 2020

Come November, I’ll be changing my address … to travelling the roads and towns of this great land of Oz! Yes, that’s right, after eleven wonderful years in Canberra, it is time to leave here in early November. God led me here in His will providing work and a place to recreate my relationship with Him after a devastating marriage break down and being a single parent of my two children for five years. Indeed, it has been a precious eleven years here without demands or expectations. I will miss it. 😊

Over the next two years, I will drive many thousands of kilometres, share with many who need encouragement, care, and inspiration, intercede in many places for people. Further, I will continue my research as I travel. I withdrew from the doctorate this year but will continue the research burning in my heart to see the restoration of what God means us to be.

In April 2018, at the Oikos Australia National Conference in Melbourne, the Lord spoke to me about country towns and people doing it tough. Unfortunately, from then till recently I experienced medical episodes. Over time, my doctor stabilised these ailments and conditions. They are now under control.    

Here I am, I am 74 after Christmas, launching into something new. I do not seek a great thing, simply to be available to God, to be there for whoever God puts in my way. Many are seeking for something more than they currently experience in God and church. I want to see what God means, and what He wants to do for those I am to meet.

My hunger is for God, His ways, and His people. Fifty-six years ago, the Lord spoke to me from Isaiah 58 and the people He would raise. God laid on my heart in 1973, His church, calling me to set the His people free into His ways. I did not understand then and I am not sure I understand now. I am still learning.

COVID-19 causes multitudes to question what church is. There is this amazing opportunity to reset church as God intended and revealed in the New Testament. Many go to church few experience church as God means her to be. Jesus didn’t come to start a religion but to bring any who would believe into a relationship with Father God. (Not religion but relationship). Change comes to His people.

The other group of people I seek to serve are the disaffiliated, those who no longer attend organized formal religion but seek alternative expressions of faith and spirituality to be church. Research reveals this group is enormous, written off and disregarded by denominationalism and institutionalism. These are my brothers and sisters, doing it tough.

The research I will conduct will be at grassroots level enquiry into both alternative and institutional expressions of church. All this will contribute to the books I am writing.

I love Him, I love His church, I love sharing Scripture and praying for people to see the Holy Spirit intervene. Simply I go to encourage, to be there, to be a friend.

I love informal settings and one on one to share Jesus, to hear what the Spirit says to the churches re discipleship, pastoral care, and leadership.

What is my plan?

Very simply, drive from town to town, wait upon God, see who the people of peace are, build friendships and stay as required. I anticipate once this starts to happen, some will find my encouragement important. Some will refer me to the next town or person they know. I will listen to the Holy Spirit. I ask for us to partner in active prayer, enduring fellowship, and any financial assistance. This cannot be done by me disconnected from you. I need you! We are His Body. Wednesday, 8th Sept 2020, the Lord spoke His word into my spirit. “Wayne, sell all you have, come follow me.” Years came together, this Divine gentle peace and joy-filled my being. I said, “Yes Lord”.

I live in an ACT government/community housing unit in Canberra in the beautiful suburb of Page. These have been years of healing for me in meditation and quietness, a precious time being close to my Father. The Lord miraculously instructed me to go to Canberra opening teaching and tutoring in academic skills and management at the University of Canberra to provide for myself as Chaplain.

Now the practical stuff.

Initially, I thought, I have a tent and camping gear, that will do. I can get along with that. A friend suggested I write letting you know what is happening and my needs. Over the last forty years as a University Chaplain, I have always provided for myself in university ministry by working in tertiary teaching and facilitating workshops for corporations and government departments in management/leadership, communication skills and group/team skills. Only once, at James Cook University as the University Chaplain from 2004 till 2009, I received funds for five years from the university, the Catholic Diocese, the Anglican Diocese, the North Queensland Uniting Churches and some independent churches, a total of $24,500 each year. I was a single parent of two teenagers. I saw the amazing provision of God.

This time it is different. I cannot do this on the rough, it will not work for me where I am at physically. I intend to support myself on the road where I can, by teaching academic skills, leadership skills, team/group skills to year 11 and 12 (High Schools) students to prepare them for life and/or university.

However, the focus will be serving groups, Christian or not, whoever and wherever they are, to give encouragement and care to equip them and to raise them up in God. I know how tough it is to work in regional Australia. I love Scripture and interceding for those God lays on my heart. God has invested much in me over the last forty years.

I need proper travelling accommodation for two years that is simple, easy to use, reasonably priced to provide a stable living environment; I hope to buy a lightweight Pop-Top caravan for Mickey (my little dog mate) and myself. I am restricted by the 1200kg towing capacity of the Honda Accord V6 sedan. I have been searching online what is available, there are many options. I have $3,000. I will put towards that towards the purchase of the caravan. The balance I will need help with. The other possibility is to trade my car for a campervan.

If you find what I have said of interest, would you be prepared to donate funds to assist me to purchase this Pop-Top caravan or campervan? That would enable me to live without pressure over the next two years. I say two years as a commitment because that is what I have in my spirit now. It may be longer.

Thanking you in the Lord. May His abundant peace and blessings be upon you and yours regardless of your response. (Be free, I have no expectations of anyone. I love to see people free)

Your brother,


Rev (Ret’d) Wayne R Crockford BA (SocSci) Cert IV (TAA) Cert IV (Small Bus)
Discipleship, Pastoral Care, Leadership
Pastoral Team, Heartland Ministries, 0412385477 (Crosslink Christian Network)
University: Teacher (Semi-retired), Academic Skills, Management, Social Sciences;

Former University Chaplain (Ret’d) UNSW, JCU, UC

PS For those who know, the Doctoral Research programme I enrolled in at Alphacrucis College, Melbourne I withdrew from this year. The reasons were debilitating sickness prohibited my continuance. Also, RPL was not available for my extensive experience and knowledge in management/leadership, church etc. I was not able to meet their requirements.

I will continue with the Research interviewing people. If you have people, I can interview while I travel or people I may assist would you please connect us together once I discern where I am to go with these COVID-19 restrictions. Thank you.
The Doctoral research questions were FYI:

“What are people in the house church movement and in other self-governed and self – sustaining groups identifying with the Christian tradition in Australia saying about the Pentecostal, Charismatic and Evangelical institutional forms they rejected?

What alternatives to these institutional forms do they explore, and what are the consequences of those alternatives for their community and their expressions of faith and spirituality?

How does leadership form, and how is it exercised in both contexts?”

About Eagleholme

Growing together to live and to love radically
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4 Responses to Australia here I come!

  1. Greg Cadman says:

    Good to read Wayne. Have you shared it with Sean? I think you should.

    • Eagleholme says:

      Greg, yes I did share with Sean and he said he would contact me the week before I left.Haven’t heard from him.

      • Greg Cadman says:

        Thanks Wayne,

        Hope we can get home soon. We are at Sawtell tonight. Tomorrow??

        We will be in quarantine when we get home for 3 days? I trust I will enjoy that coffee with you before you leave.



      • Eagleholme says:

        Greg going to be in Canberra till Friday 9th April. The shutdown in Brisbane means the Brisbane firm is not operating this week so puts everything behind. So coffee assured

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